est. 1997
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Having the right mind set and being aware of the expectation is important. In a mesothelioma lawsuit, the plaintiff will need to prove the following:
Due to the fact that up to today asbestos is the only known cause of mesothelioma, the plaintiff and their attorney must have a way to establish proof of exposure, which at time may be an even that have occurred decades before the diagnosis. The following evidence can help substantiate a link between the plaintiff’s illness and their exposure to asbestos:
It is typical for the defendant to deny any guilt or wrongdoing when presented with the plaintiff’s allegations. The defendant will then make every attempt to prove that the victim contracted the disease elsewhere, and not under their umbrella of employment. In these cases, the defendant may respond with claims that:
If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, the best route to take is consult with a mesothelioma attorney. The lawyers will investigate your employment history to determine the source of your exposure. This will allow the lawyer an opportunity to show a causal link between your exposure and diagnosis, and to refute the defendant’s claim(s).
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