est. 1997
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How exposure to asbestos
is link to mesothelioma
Unfortunately many time an individual is diagnose with
Mesothelioma they often lack the knowledge of what lead to it.
Mesothelioma can be classified a rare form of cancer which caused
by exposure to asbestos, Asbestos is a naturally-occurring toxic
mineral that is often used in a number of industries such as
shipping, mining, construction, and automobile manufacturing.
Asbestos, which is a known and brutal carcinogen, can penetrates
one's body via inhalation of its fine particles.
However asbestos can likewise be transferred from a family
members through contact before showering or changing clothes.
Exposure to asbestos by far is know to be the primary cause of
mesothelioma, asbestosis and pleural disorders Base on what has
been recorded, as early as the 1920s, medical proof suggested
strongly that there's a link thus confirming that asbestos exposure
leads to mesothelioma and other sickness of the same
Despite that revealing facts, majority of participating manufacturers and employers disregarded this release of this information and continued to carry on their manufacturing practice and using asbestos. Many large companies that is known to be using asbestos were able to hide the harmful side effects of asbestos due to the fact mesothelioma patients normally experience a delay period of 25 to 50 years they initially exposed to asbestos. The practice continue on by large manufacturer until the government take a serious action again companies that uses asbestos. A severe restrictions was placed against those company which bans the use of asbestos and demand that workers become protected from this toxic substance. For those that developed a serious illness from exposure to asbestos, legal recourse may be available.
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